Our School » McCarthy Uniform Shop

McCarthy Uniform Shop


There are three ways to shop for your school uniform

  1. Your School Virtual Agent Appointment
    Your virtual agent appointments are ready to be booked! During a virtual appointment, you will be able to visually interact with a dedicated member of our team who will assist you with understanding and interpreting sizing & fit, advise you on all specific uniform requirements and provide you information on any special offers/bundles. You will be able to securely screen share to help complete transactions.
    Book a Virtual Agent Appointment

  2. Your School E-Store
    Did you know your school has a custom e-store, complete with fit videos, uniform guides and specialized advice? Visit your school store by 'searching for your school' on McCarthy Uniforms' home page. McCarthy's recently launched a handy web chat feature and have staffed their call-centre so that you can have the support you need if you need some help along the way! Online shoppers can also now enjoy the industry's first flexible payment plan (interest-free payments over six weeks!).

    Shop online by 'searching for our school' at:  www.mccarthyuniforms.ca

  3. Your School Call Centre
    Your call-centre is open for shopping!  By giving McCarthy's a shout at 416-593-6900 or toll-free at 1-800-668-8261, Alex and his team would be happy to assist you with your school uniform purchase or questions! McCarthy's call centre is staffed with uniform specialists who know the ins & outs of our uniform policy.

Call McCarthy's at:
416-593-6900 or

Wishing you and your family a very safe summer, 
The McCarthy Uniform Team  ​