Special Education » Transition to Post Secondary

Transition to Post Secondary

Transitions Resource Guide 

A great resource for parents and students with disabilities that covers topics from course selection and career pathway, to alternative ways to acquire an updated educational assessment for the student's college/university application.  

Ontario Student Assistance Program

A portion of OSAP goes to funding a new educational assessment for an updated Letter of Accomodation for students at the post-secondary level.  

Bursaries for students with disabilities (BSWD) 

The Bursary for Students with Disabilities provides aid to students self-identifying as having either permanent or temporary disabilities. This bursary assists with the costs of disability-related services or equipment that are required to participate in postsecondary studies.  

The maximum amount of aid available from this bursary is $2,000 per academic year. 

Attend the post-secondary information night at RND.  Contact your son/daughter's guidance counselor for more information. 

Queen's University - Online to Success  and STOMP 

On-Line to Success (OLTS) and Successful Transition Online and Mentoring Program (STOMP) are two secondary to post-secondary transition programs run by RARC that take place from March-June. OLTS is for students in Grades 11 and 12 with learning disabilities, ADHD and/or Autism Spectrum Disorders.  STOMP is for students in Grades 11 and 12 with mental health disorders, including (but not limited to): depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and OCD). 

Both OLTS and STOMP are primarily web-based courses developed by teams from Queen's UniversityLoyalist College, and Cambrian College. They have been designed to specifically target and address areas that research has shown are problematic for students with disabilities as they make the transition to post-secondary education. Almost all of the programs can be completed on-line, where students will develop strategies to be better prepared for post-secondary education, and to better deal with the increased demands of workload, stress management, and self advocacy required at this level. The programs are moderated by trained teacher candidates at Queen's Faculty of Education, and supervised by staff at RARC. These are pass/resubmit courses, and moderators will provide students with feedback and support regarding their assignments. 

Human Resources​ 

ALCDSB Transition Planning Coordinator 

Transition Planning Coordinator is responsible for coordinating staff to develop transition plans for students with developmental disabilities to support them as they move from grade 8 to grade 9 and from school to life as a young adult in the community. The Transition Planning Coordinator liaises with school staff, the family, and community support services in order to develop a plan which encompasses independence and employment needs, and performs other community-based activities.